Monday, October 19, 2009
Typographic Design: Two Stories
Like a piece of bread, there are two sides to every story.
I took on a 'lighter' topic, one that I could have fun with, so I chose the topic of TRUCKS (showing the positive and negative of these beasts). There are 9 double page spreads to each story.
The positive argument of trucks has a more emotional feel with the use of colours that have been extracted from old trucker signage.
The negative side takes on an information-graphic approach, using the authoritative colours of yellow, black, white and grey which are found on (warning) road signs.
Graphics Research Project
Part Two of Two. First brief consisted of researching a societal issue of our interest. This project derived from initial research project and was to be based on statistics.
Create awareness of ‘What’s in our food’ by shocking audience with statistics.
The NZ Green Party are known to have conscious minds when it comes to our well-being. I used them as a client for the basis of my strategy. My strategy was based on the idea of ‘Mass-Medication’ through our food. We do not know what exactly we are eating a lot of the time.
This graphics brief turned into an advertising campaign for the Green Party. I rebranded the Green Party logo to adhere to this visual look. The food packaging was reformatted and redesigned into medication packaging.A Vending machine skin was also designed for the idea that these ‘medical’ goods could be easily consumed.
Camp A Low Hum
CD Packaging and Design
Camp A Low Hum caters for a smaller audience. Render and develop a design solution that reflects Camp A Low Hum as an intimate experience, as well as reflecting an aspect(s) of our abode.
The majority of my design aesthetic has been hand-drawn which are simple and have a less manufactured feel to it, which is appropriate for the design solution. The final design has no colour. Instead, it incorporates a watercolour palette, where the consumer can express their emotions or feelings of the camp/music through this medium.
Creates a personal experience for consumers to relive the enjoyment of camp a low hum - which a CD is all about. An experience is different for every individual.
DINZ Conference
Poster and Booklet for Massey University Design Conference
Theme= are we capable of originality within design anymore?
We are in an era that has been precededby a period of vast diversityand innovationin design. To follow this is both challenging as well as exciting.
My conference was named [re]invent which set out to show how todays designers who dapple with traditional mediums push through barriers to generate fresh original pieces of work.
My poster used ink drawings that were then manipulated on the computer using various techniquesto produce a neon bright brain which spreads it’s neurons arouss the page.
Self-Portrait: Information Graphics
Advanced Digital Graphics Assignment
Look at ourselves in the course of six days and create an information piece.
I looked at who I communicated with via all forms of communication in the six day period and resulted in taking on the form of a circuit board to adhere to the idea of technology connecting. It was my intentions to take it away from the normal 2D informational form and bring it into a 3D format.
Size: A1
April 2009 Work.
NZ Post: Stamp Design
Stamp Design for an international audience,
We were to commemorate the contemporary redefinition of New Zealand’s global identity emerging ‘through design’ by choosing a subject matter that profiles the inventiveness of New Zealanders.
I chose to base my stamp design on Weta Workshop (epitome of creativeness), however more specifically the Special Make-up Effects designed and created by the Weta creative’s.
The concept is based upon the idea that ‘magic is created by the hands’. Weta workers spend hours upon hours of creative time on detail, which in turn results in amazing believable make-up effects and a world of fantasy. Through this design I have used specific coloured hues to create this ‘fantastical’ effect.
The stamps are separated into three creative fields: make-up effects, prosthetics and hair-punching techniques.
2009 Work.
Book Design
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Typographic Poster
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Typeface Design
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