Monday, October 19, 2009

Graphics Research Project

Part Two of Two. First brief consisted of researching a societal issue of our interest. This project derived from initial research project and was to be based on statistics.

Create awareness of ‘What’s in our food’ by shocking audience with statistics.

The NZ Green Party are known to have conscious minds when it comes to our well-being. I used them as a client for the basis of my strategy. My strategy was based on the idea of ‘Mass-Medication’ through our food. We do not know what exactly we are eating a lot of the time.

This graphics brief turned into an advertising campaign for the Green Party. I rebranded the Green Party logo to adhere to this visual look. The food packaging was reformatted and redesigned into medication packaging.A Vending machine skin was also designed for the idea that these ‘medical’ goods could be easily consumed.

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